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About notyourbuddy

  • Birthday 10/27/1982

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  1. Buck benched him in Spring Training then started a smear campaign against him through the media. Resulted in the poor guy getting booed on Opening Day.
  2. Not for the Os it ain't. More like a 63% chance you see a pop-out followed by a strikeout.
  3. Frustrating ending, but... the offense still put up 6 runs. If your starter does not completely crap his pants that is an easy win.
  4. Lough is gonna have a better year for the Os than Parra. Lough! Someone needs to take away Dan's trading privileges before he completely bankrupts the farm. (I'm still not sold on Davies though. Every time I watch him pitch I keep getting a Brad Bergesen vibe. Brad started off hot too looking like a serviceable 3/4 for years to come. Then *poof*)
  5. Our rental just left his mark on Oriole's history. Last out of a no-hitter.
  6. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Source says the A's have released Jim Johnson.</p>— Jane Lee (@JaneMLB) <a href=" ">July 24, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  7. 0.0IP 4H 4R for JJ tonight. ERA approaching 7. Gotta think if Beane can't trade him by the end of the month they'll have to release him. Just makes zero sense to keep a guy like that around any longer.
  8. Even with a 7-run lead Jim Johnson had to be pulled from the game only being able to record 2-outs. He surrendered 2 hits, 2 walks, and a homerun. His WHIP is currently 2.06 (How long before Beane cuts bait?)
  9. Another useless outing by Jim Johnson tonight. Beane cannot be pleased.
  10. Look who is ranked second-to-last on that list, Grant Balfour: -0.5WAR :laughlol:
  11. 2-run lead tonight - Johnson pitches a clean 9th for the save. Regained his closer's role?
  12. Old school temper tantrum by Girardi tonight in that Yankee loss. I figured the replay expansion made those extinct. Guess not.
  13. A Danny Valencia sighting. Got the start at 3B today for the Royals and finished 2-for-3 with a homer. (Royals don't seem to be using him much at all unless he was injured or something.)
  14. I know I'm not supposed to root for good things to happen to our direct Wild Card competition, but I feel bad for JJ. Having to watch an ex-Oriole (one who was a good teammate and a good guy) go through this is just brutal. Reminds me of watching Koji's performance with Texas in '11 and how everyone in that city and organization just wanted him to go away.
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